Hi, everybody! I want to use my blog to help others by writing summaries of internet income sources. These sources are very accessible. You're using an internet connection to read this, so you can use it to make a little extra money. I am not an expert, but I have some insight, and I think advice is always helpful. I realized this week that I could use this platform to help others and help myself too. In the end, being altruistic isn't my only goal. Of course, I'd like to make a little more profit, just like anyone else. I wouldn't be trying to earn extra income by doing surveys, lending my smartphone as a way for other companies to make money, or doing repetitive tasks to give businesses the data they need to further their ventures. I am using the same resources that I'm backing here. I am you, in essence.
In that spirit, I have expanded my methods of earning money by helping small businesses. The route I am choosing and experimenting with is going to be doing sporadic reviews of products for sellers. I can give them a hand up and that will also give me a hand up. I use a myriad of products and services, just like anyone else. I know most of us find overviews and opinions vital in our decision as to whether we want to purchase an item or service. There are many small businesses that need advertising and analysis of their products, and I am more than happy to do that. If you know a small business who needs some advertising by a real person, or you are a small business who needs some advertising by a real person, leave me a comment at any time.
I am a new member on Testzon, a website that offers free and discounted products. This gives consumers and reviewers a chance to try out items for a small business. The original business model seems to be that these reviews would be Amazon reviews. As an unspoken agreement, those reviews would be positive. This didn't sound right to me. After doing some research, I discovered that these kinds of reviews are tricky, and may violate Amazon's Terms of Service. I decided that I can offer my reviews on my own blog, and put a link in the review for the Amazon product. I don't know enough about the law to make a judgement on whether promoting a product or service with a review is ethical or not. I am going to delve deeper into that process, as I go along. For now, I'm going to err on the side of caution and keep my reviewing to this outlet. If I find I am mistaken, I will add the review to the product page. If anyone has better information on this subject, please don't hesitate to reach out!
I will be testing a product tonight. I am going to give an honest and solid written review and will be showing pictures of various stages of using the product. I just wanted to write a preamble in anticipation for this event. Please stay tuned to my next post, which should be released within the next 24 hours. Also, I will be finishing up my Internet Income Rundown series this week.
Thanks for reading!
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