Sunday, July 14, 2019

Primeet Novelty Men's Socks Review

Yes, I'm back with another review! I know I'm sporadic, and I'm working on it. It's hard for me to get motivated most of the time. If you have any tips or tricks to get over that hump, I would be most grateful to hear what you have to say!

Okie dokie, let's do this!:

Men's Cool Colorful Casual Socks Novelty Funny Combed Cotton Crew Dress Socks Funky Fashion Patterned Socks by Primeet

The Unpacking:
These funky socks came in a plain and unassuming resealable plastic bag. They were wrapped in a laminated paper with some amusing quips from Primeet, the maker of the socks. There was also a business card from Too Goods, with promo information, which I'll link at the end of the review. Everything was accounted for, and no tears or damage, and the package came on time. There were four pairs of socks, each pair individually pinned together and wrapped.

Handling It Post-Unpacking:

The first thing that I noticed was that these socks are super bright. I love the colors and designs! There are pineapples, a criss cross pattern, tacos, and a cactus silhouette. Everything was folded neatly, and care was taken into packing and making them. The material of the socks feel substantial and strong. They give the confidence that they will do fine in multiple washings and wearings. Again, the packaging shows some little quips from Primeet. I'm guessing they were translated into English. The excerpts say: 

Attention Please. This is an inspiration in the dressing room. Every time you buy clothes, buy shoes, but you will find that you can't go out very well. Yes, because of lack of accessories and lack of embellishment So the brand of PRIMEET came into being. We hope that one day, clothes, shoes and primeet will become your standard for going out. And:

PRIMEET: Social accessories. It is a kind of thinking, a way of life. Not necessarily everyone needs, but it can light up your delicacy.

General Usability and Accessibility (The Important Stuff):

Once I opened these up and removed the pins, my boyfriend couldn't wait to try these on. Although I don't care about whether they were made for men or women, I felt these would look better, and fit better on him. So, yes, I have a model now! 

He said that they stretched just right with his foot, and shin. He can see himself wearing these for any occasion, even work. Since he works on his feet all day, that is a very good compliment! The socks are made of 75% combed cotton, 15% nylon, and 10% spandex. They are designed for men's size 6-12, or women's size 7-13. 

If you like being more of an individual, these are a great match for you. They are fun and colorful and have enough stretch to fit most anyone. The only caveat I have is that they could have more stretch above the ankle. That's really the only reason I felt they fit better on him, because they were too tight for me above the ankle. If you have average calves and shins, you'll do just fine.

Overall Thoughts and Final Rating:

For a consumer with a quirky, funky streak, these socks are awesome! I am bummed that they don't fit me right, but my boyfriend loves them. I know there are some sock fanatics out there, and these would make a great addition to their collections.

Final rating: 5 stars! Cool, colorful, funny, and funky!

If you're interested in purchasing these, or checking out other patterns, please visit my friends at Too Goods Storefront. Their customer support email is:, if you want to ask questions, or join their VIP club. I'd appreciate it if you would mention my blog, when you visit their store, or email them. That's That Snobby Chick, if you didn't know!

I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this review. You are helping support a baby blog and baby businesses. This is where entrepreneurship starts! Well, it's one of the many, to be more inclusive. As always, feel free to leave me a comment or question. I appreciate all feedback! Until next time...

"We'll meet again. Don't know where, don't know when. But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day." - Vera Lynn - "We'll Meet Again"

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

BeGrit Scrapbooking Punches Set Review

I know, I know, it's been awhile. I'm a terrible procrastinator, and I really need to get more on the ball! Well, consider me back and raring to go. I have a new review today and I'll have another in a few days. I'm going to also have an update on some of the posts I have already made.

Before I start, I just want to thank my friends from the BeGrit shop on Amazon for letting me review this wonderful and fun product. Ok, enough of that, now to get this review to you!:

BeGrit Scrapbooking Punches Set Christmas Multi-Pattern DIY Handmade 1-Inch Hole Puncher for Festival Greeting Cards Personalized Arts Craft Cutter 6 Pack

The Unpacking:

These cute hole punches came in a regular ol' cardboard box, which was inside an Amazon box. The box the actual punches were put in was a little beat up, and so some of the individual packaging on the punches was a little frayed. This didn't affect the quality of the products though, and everything was accounted for. No tears, or missing pieces, just a little worn looking packaging.

Handling It Post-Unpacking:

 Right off the bat, you can tell that these were made with high quality materials. They are quite heavy and durable upon inspection. I was kind of surprised by the weight of them, honestly. Looking at the bottom where the punches are stored after you punch what you want out of the paper you have, the design mold is made from a good and effective looking metal material. It looks sharp but there is a safety cover to not only protect your hands (or little ones hands), but also to store the scrap to leave less of a mess and make clean up a cinch. I love the colors here, by the way! Very bright and fun looking. I think a kid would love these, just based on the colors alone. The top of the punch shows what design you can expect to get from using it. I got a somewhat strange mish mash of designs, mostly Christmas shaped. I can see that these are part of a much larger set, so I'm sure if you visit their shop, there will be more to add to this collection.

General Usability and Accessibility (The Important Stuff):

Upon opening these up, like I said they have some heft to them. I am happy for that though, because it screams good quality to me. The designs offered are: a Christmas tree, a Christmas present bow, a snowflake, a heart, a hand, and a star. I'm a little disappointed by the stamps on top of the hole punches, because I can tell they were just kind of painted on, and that looks like they won't last long. That's a minor cosmetic quibble, but if you have these long enough, they may fade away. If you can't see the symbol, you can always turn the punch over to look at the mold though.

I found that actually using them was pretty easy. You don't have to use much force. Again, this usability should be easy enough for a child. I am planning on using these with my three year old nieces soon, and may have to report back on how well they got on with these. Anyways, as an adult, these weren't difficult to use, and it's a little satisfying to just punch a design in a piece of paper and see a very crisp cut out. I must admit, I was surprised by how well the designs came out. I haven't scrapbooked in years, but now I just might start up again! I just love how nice the little designs come out, by themselves, or imprinted on paper. My only gripe is with the Christmas tree, because the little star on top and the base are separate pieces. If you want to use the cut out for something, it would be a bit harder to handle the little, tiny pieces. If you're looking to just have that stencil look on your paper then this one works just fine.

I only used some magazine paper I had, but I feel you could use all sorts of paper for these. Again, when I have my nieces use these, I'll have them use different paper and report back. I'm confident that it will go well though. I am eager to try these with lots of different stuff. Maybe even cardboard would work out well!

Overall Thoughts and Final Rating:

If you're looking for scrapbooking ideas, or something to do with your little ones (or even medium ones, ha ha!), then I highly suggest this product. They are great quality, have bright colors, seem durable, and are just kind of fun to punch paper. Sometimes you just need to go back to that child-like behavior. It's pretty therapeutic, I must admit.

I give these hole punches 5 stars! They are fun and cute!

If you liked my overview, and are interested in purchasing these hole punches, please visit the BeGrit shop on Amazon. They can be found at BeGrit Amazon Storefront. Please check them out and help out a homegrown shop. I will definitely be ordering with them again. They have tons of nice products in their shop. There's something for everyone!

I want to thank you for taking the time to check out this review. Again, go ahead and browse BeGrit's shop, or purchase these adorable hole punches. They are fun, I guarantee it. As always, I'm still looking for new and interesting things to write or report on. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or questions, or just want to say "Hey!", please leave me a comment or seven. Also, if you could help spread the word about my blog, I would appreciate that a whole lot. I have more coming, just hoping it will be more regular. See you soon!

"Parting is such sweet sorrow." - from William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet"